Brit indie-pop band Team Waterpolo has had a charmed and busy few years. Since forming in the city of Preston of Lancashire in 2007, the group has made some huge leaps ahead of the pack. Their accomplishments include a debut single “Letting Go’” garnering NME’s ‘Single of the Week’, tour spots with the Black Kids and Supergrass, becoming a MySpace featured artist of the week, signing to Sony’s Epic Records in August 2008, playing Glastonbury last summer, and finally recording their debut at the countryside studio used by Alex Turner.
Now why does a young, relatively unknown band get such accolades, breaks and success so quickly: because they are so good in so many ways. On their debut album (currently untitled) the band, consisting of singer
Fred Davis, DJ Ruggero “Ruggi” Lorenzini, guitarist Nathan Standlee and drummer Lex Dunn deliver one catchy, clever, upbeat and fresh sounding song after another including lead single "Room 44."
What’s On The Hi-Fi got some insight from lead singer Fred Davis about the band, their tour and the upcoming album due to drop on May 19, 2009.

Oh yeah, it's been a while since we last toured and we're dying to play live again, Our first stop is Glasgow, we always have an amazing time in Glasgow, the crowds are crazy and so is the nightlife, so we are really looking forward to that one.
You’re from Preston in Lancashire, England, which is famous for producing athletes especially footballers and cricketers. Is this why you have a sports themed band name? And are any of you avid sportsmen / footballers?
HAHA good question. Our drummer has played quite a bit of American football he played for the Lancashire Wolverines, none of us are really avid sportsmen though. We did all go to schools where you have to play rugby and cricket, in fact my debut for the cricket B team was quite the event. I ran two of my team members out and then tripped over and fell into the wickets, The next game I played I opened up the batting and was bowled out on the first game of the match. They call that a Diamond Duck. I haven’t picked up a cricket bat since. The Team Waterpolo name was random and was created by Nathan, he wanted to put two random words together and he liked the idea of having Team in the name. He is American so maybe that's where the "Waterpolo" came from.
Previously, you have supported bands like Supergrass and Black Kids, but you will be out on your own headlining tour beginning April 30 in Glasgow (including a stop at Glastonbury this year). Any added pressure being “the” band on the marquee?
Not really, we’ve done headline tours before. It's cool because when it's your show you know everyone there has come to see you.

Always a boon. MySpace started everything for us, they featured us a few weeks after we started and it got us loads of attention from the industry and fans. We love Twitter Bebo MySpace etc. If I had to give one piece of advice to bands starting up it would be take full advantage of those sites, they can change everything overnight, they did for us.
All right, which one of you will be the first to marry a supermodel and join a cult?
Well obviously I will be the first to marry a supermodel and we have all already joined cults. I can't tell you which cults though, sorry.
Do you have any plans to get across the Atlantic for some gigs? Maybe CMJ in NYC in October?
No plans yet but oh my God yes! Please, we would love to.
What’s on your hi-fi at the moment?
At the moment I’m listening to Seasick Steve, Passion Pit, Dizzie Rascal. Oh and I’m listening to a lot of Jackson 5, but it changes with me from week to week.
Listen to “Room 44” MP3