Jul 2011
Track of the Day..."My Heart" from Loney Dear
Loney Dear
from "My Heart"
Hall Music
Polyvinyl 2011

Listen to “My Heart” MP3
Loney Dear’s sixth album Hall Music, out in October, looks to be a more blissful effort than his 2009 Polyvinyl debut Dear John. The Stolkholm, Sweden native (aka Emil Svanängen) became internationally known as a do-it-yourself, home recording wonder creating five elegant, multi-layered albums of separation and yearning.
On the tranquilly orchestral first single “My Heart” Emil seems more vibrant. The track is replete with subtle layered bell chimes, strings and acoustic guitar strengthened and lighted by his sometimes soaring vocals.
Check out this live performance of the track along with the Göteborg Symphony.
Official | MySpace | Polyvinyl

Track of the Day..."Island Answer Anywhere" from Pulseprogramming
"Island Answer Anywhere"
from Charade is Gold
Audraglint 2010

Listen to “Island Answer Anywhere” MP3
Pulseprogramming began in the late 90's as an experimental musical project, releasing various material on labels such as Peacefrog and Aesthetics. The group is now based in Chicago and is centered around founding member (singer / composer) Marc Hellner and (vocalist) Chanel Pease. Pulseprogramming maintains the spirit of a multimedia arts collective, all the while shifting gears. With Charade is Gold, the group embraces the more melancholy side of 80's synth-pop. "Island Answer Anywhere" is one of the album's standout tracks, an icily melodic track beamed from the comfort of the shadows.
MySpace | Audraglint

Track of the Day..."Come Rain, Come Sunshine" from Pallers
"Come Rain, Come Sushine"
from The Sea of Memories (to be released 26 September 2011)
Labrador Records / EMI

Listen to “Come Rain Come Sunshine” MP3
Pallers is the project of Henrik Mårtensson and Johan Angergård, two old friends from southern Sweden delving into a shared passion for electronic pop. Their debut album The Sea of Memories is due out in September, an album recorded in the disparate locals of Sweden, Spain, Miami and Cape Town. Check out the track "Come Rain, Come Sunshine", one of the first tracks written by the duo, for a taste of Pallers' understated and shimmering electronic pop buoyed by laid back vocals.
MySpace | Labrador