Concert Reviews
Asobi Seksu at Northside Festival 2009
06/15/09 13:24

I imagine it was a one time issue as we have been to many shows of all types there and never had this problem.

Heaven On Houston...The Boxer Rebellion
04/26/09 13:34

Photo Dan Katz
The Boxer Rebellion
Mercury Lounge, NYC
24 March, 2009
The sidewalk in front of Mercury Lounge teamed two deep with an excited, diverse crowd pumped to see The Boxer Rebellion at the second of their two night stint in NYC’s Mercury Lounge. Admittedly, What’s On The Hi-Fi was curious to know if the band could pull off their amazingly full and rich sound at such an intimate venue that is not known for its’ acoustics. The boys answered that question right off the bat as they hurled into a rousing rendition of “Flashing Red Light Means Go” with Todd Howe banging out support drumming before laying into some spot-on fretwork. They continued on playing most of the songs from their sophomore album Union. As on the album, singer Nathan Nicholson proved to be a magnetic front man with a sweet voice that rocked the crowd with a quiet yearning and drummer Piers Hewitt replete with big Bonhamesque muttonchops banged the group into a frenzy.
We took two things away from the show. First, unlike many bands, they were able to create a sound that held up to the album production with a welcome live twist. And, that I wish the guys would play some more rockers. I was surprised how well they cranked out the heavy stuff during the encore. Best said: Try to see these guys before they jump to the larger venues and much more expensive tickets.

Sexy Liela And Her Fops
02/17/09 00:59

The Duke Spirit with the Mobius Band supporting
Music Hall of Williamsburg, NYC
16 February 2009
On President’s Day, What’s On The Hi-Fi had another night in Brooklyn at the always great Music Hall. It felt like most of the crowd was there to support the Mobius Band (Brooklyn natives) who didn’t hold their own from my perch at the bar. Once I slinked to the floor for a gander of these boys, the feeling was a little brighter but I still don’t think the tinker-toy screwing about with Casio keyboards makes for good music. It’s interesting in print but a blight to the ear.
Now as for The Duke Spirit, it is safe to say that Liela Moss is one of the best, undiscovered front people out there right now. She rolls and hangs on the mic stand with equal thunder and abandon. She leans like a sexual awning closing in on you and then drags the mic stand around stage like she was in a stadium opening for the Who. She shines on the bands two best songs “Lassoo” and “The Step And The Walk.” I kept thinking how much I missed the tambourine playing rocker and then she broke some decent blues harp. Now, here is the downside. Ms. Moss would do well to dump the band of sad-sacks that back her. The lack of light they brought was a black hole sucking the life away from this star on the rise. If they get to your town go and drink your beer. Liela’s got that bottle hiding behind her like the hyperion she is.

Brits On The Bowery...Futurcop! Concert Review
01/24/09 23:30

Mercury Lounge, NYC
23 January 2009
Futurecop! offered some really delectable dance treats at this small, rock venue. As the sad, stale sounds pumped out from the apocryphal mega-disco Element, the two Brit-Boys with synths and macs in tow pumped up the crowd with stylish harmonies and odd mixes. Yes, I found myself dancing to New Kids On The Block’s “Step By Step” and that, my friends, is no easy feat. They could obviously have been playing to 2000 rather than 200 but they know that crowds at these small venues set the trends and remember the bands who move them. I definitely gained a measured respect for the duo. I just wish that I could have had a picture of the two dancers up front with harlequin makeup and costumes. It made for a sweet and sweaty beer buzz that will keep me smiling for weeks.