The Forest & The Trees
Ill Fit Recordings (2010)

Listen to "To The Forest! ( I Need Some Peace)" MP3
The Forest & The Trees is Joel and Linnea Edin, a husband and wife team based outside of Stockholm. Their debut self-tiled release is an infectious combination of the joyous and slightly melancholy side of indie pop music. The tracks brim with romanticism, often casting a nostalgic and hook-laden gaze back at days and loves past. The duo’s harmonies will provide a perfect companion to your laziest and least cynical days of summer.
One of the standout tracks is “To The Forest! (I Need Some Peace)” with its building chorus and rumbling call of bass and drums (featuring David Lindvall and Ola Hultgren from Loney, Dear). Check out the retro SE Asian video created by Jamie Harley.
Other favorities include the slightly bittersweet and quietly assuring “In The Summer”, the woozy “Circus Lonely Hearts”, the propelling and imploring duet of “Run”, and the skipping folky harmonies of “Escape”.
You can stream the new album in its entirety on the band’s website. But pick up a copy via the band’s website, iTunes, other digital download merchants and Rough Trade Shops.
The Forest and The Trees is the debut release from Ill Fit Recordings, a digital label venture from Rich Thane of and Something In Construction. We are already looking forward to seeing what these guys have up their sleeve for their next release.
“To The Forest! (I Need Some Peace)”
“The Barber”
“Bohemian Boy”
“In The Summer”
“Circus Lonely Hearts”
“Hold Me Close, Hold Me In Your Arms”
“By The Trees”
Official | Ill Fit Recordings