"I Felt Stupid"
From Summertime!
TwentySeven Records (2009)

Listen to "I Felt Stupid" MP3
With "I Felt Stupid" from The Drums you can hold onto the increasingly fading memory of the dog days of summer. The Brooklyn duo (and Florida natives) delve into their New Wave influences and create a track which bops along on synths, Cure guitars and unabashedly shiny melodies. Lyrics of lost love mingle with talk of treks to the Eden that is the beach, where life seems slightly less complicated and "where we can finally be free". Grab the towels and lets go.
Check out the EP Summertime! From The Drums, out now on TwentySeven Records. Various UK dates for The Drums are scheduled throughout the UK in February 2010.
The Drums (Official) | MySpace | TwentySeven Records (MySpace)